Increased Flight Time
Low-weight components of the design enhances the fuel efficiency.
Long Range Surveillance
Unique technology enables surveillance from beyond the line of defense.
Compact Optics
Nanotechnology-based optics reduces the profile size of the surveillance system.
Laser Technology
Laser technology enables state-of-the-art capacity in advanced sensing and measurement.
Problems with conventional and old methods
Root Cause Analysis
A typical bulky and heavy design used in most conventional surveillance systems forces a limited range of operation in drone applications due to critical importance of fuel efficiency to total weight.
New enabling technologies provide the potential to integrate systems and share resources for weight reduction.
Sophisticated nanofabrication capabilities of the modern era enables the implementation of unique components offering further size and weight reduction.

what we offer
Laser-lighting technology for extended range surveillance applications in drones.

Our innovative integration methodology enables a hybrid system for navigation using lidar as well as a vision system remote sensing and surveillance.

We use nanotechnology to achieve more than 90% reduction of materials used in typical illumination systems for imaging in drones. Our nano-illumination approach is based on the state-of-the-art nanofabrication of millions of nanostructures
for the visible and infrared light.
Mission Accomplished!

Equipped with our advanced technology, the success rate of missions is greatly increased by making available the most important factor of all: time!
Our work
Project “Supernova”
Supernova is the product concept under development which provides the highest brightness nano-illumination in the visible spectrum along with integrated custom or regulated illumination pattern.
Project “Pidar”
Pidar is our deep-learning based, pattern imaging lidar system for short to mid-range applications with field of view up to 360 degrees. It is a hybrid vision and laser ranging technology.
Our Team

“Safa”, Ph.D.
Engineer, 15+ years in optics and lasers, 50+ Papers & Patents, Designed LED lamps for US and Europe Markets

David Beck
27+ years in transportation engineering systems, Autonomous Expert, Regulatory Expert, Safety Engineering

Eric Steele
Elevate Venture, EIR Southwest, M&A, Investment strategy, Sold prior businesses
Connect with us
Contact us
We are actively seeking partners in drone industry. Feel free to contact for potential collaborations.
We are based in the United States of America, located near Indianapolis in the state of Indiana.